Sunday, April 10, 2011

Blustery Day at Stanford

This post is for Thursday.

I enjoyed a pretty lazy start to the day. In the afternoon, I went for a walk with Sara Silbs. We went once around Lake Lag, but it was so windy that we just went back to Murray afterwards. We hung out and talked in the dining room through a nice dinner.

Later that evening, I met with Josh Bowman, the new JSA Social Chair, and Sophie, a fellow Bronfman Fellow and part of Josh's Social Committee, for their first meeting. Josh asked me to come as an advisor of sorts. Apparently there were three other members of the committee who didn't show up, so I hope my advice to the two who did was useful.

I went from there to Xanadu for AEPi's last rush event before rush retreat, In 'N Out and root beer games. I missed most of the burgers and games, but it was still fun enough.

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